LifeWork Counseling is dedicated to helping people find solutions that work. We take a compassionate and professional approach in counseling, adhering to evidenced-based standards in clinical practice.
Our licensed counselors offer clients the necessary tools and solutions to manage difficulties associated with anxiety, depression, illness, loss, including relationship and behavioral problems. Our aim is to help our clients gain insight, identify strengths, and find solutions.
Our philosophy at LifeWork is to identify problems and develop solutions in a timely manner. Our goal is to support our clients through difficult times and to assist them in developing new skills and strategies to improve coping and enhance their quality of life.
At LifeWork we believe that “life” truly “works” when you make the choice to change things. We’re here to help you find solutions. Solutions that work!
Staying connected is what most couples want. Making it happen is the real challenge! Juggling careers, children, and household responsibilities can weigh heavily on a marriage. Conflict can derail connection leaving couples feeling distant and unhappy. A key to long term marital satisfaction is learning how to properly invest in each other. Marriage counseling helps couples break old patterns and apply new strategies with satisfying results.
Raising a responsible child is a parent’s dream. Living with an irresponsible teen is a parent’s nightmare! Parenting is an intimidating role for many adults today. Counseling offers a clear picture of how to resolve conflicts in the family. The goal is to help family members to change how they interact in order to understand each other and make the necessary adjustments that facilitate change and increase harmony and respect.
Kids and teens often face personal and social challenges that impede their academic development. Responsible parents solicit help from qualified professionals to address their child’s needs.
At LifeWork we provide help for the following: ADD, ADHD, Motivation & Performance, Anxiety and Mood Disorders, Behavior Problems, Anger Management, Social Adjustment, Bullying, Autism & Aspergers, Eating Disorders, Academic Problems, Addictions.