Scott H. DeValk

Marriage and Couple Therapy

Several decades ago, I was assigned to provide marriage counseling. I had some sound training for marriage counseling, so, thankfully, all went well. This early experience opened the door for realizing the complexities of marital and couple problems. In the course of further education, training, supervision, case discussions, and more...

Engaging Children In Counseling

When I began my doctoral internship, I was introduced to treating childhood disorders. I had worked in a variety of settings, under several conditions, but engaging children in treatment was a new challenge. I had to obtain the wisdom of others and remember my childhood as reference points. I was...

Basics of Counseling

Many years ago, I wondered “how to do counseling”. This included answering some tough questions from clients. I was fortunate to have learned from experienced therapists what was needed to reduce a client’s anxiety, depression, or some other disorder. As students in our doctoral training, we were told not to...

Connect the dots…

“Connect the dots.” “Stop, think, and act.” “Plan how this will play out.”  These are  simple phrases that help children govern challenging behaviors and emotions. At LifeWork Counseling, we blend counseling knowledge with creativity as an ‘art’. So, simple phrases, redefining problems, using graphics, and developing props as symbols, often...

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LifeWork Counseling

911 N. Elm St. Suite 316
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Phone: 630-655-0404
Fax: 630-655-0101